<aside> đź‘‹ Below is the dictionary of the data standards and guidelines to follow to ensure the consistency and reliability of the data.


Reporting standards

Three biosignature assessment: 1) biosignature (unambiguously biotic), 2) potential biosignature (ambiguous, grey zone). and 3) abiosignature (unambiguously abiotic), check Chan et al. 2019

Data dictionary

Attribute Entity Definition Data type Example
biosignature_id biosignature biosignature unique identifier INT 1
biosignature_cat biosignature type of biosignature TEXT “organics”
biosignature_subcat biosignature subtype of biosignature TEXT "lipid biomarker”
biosignature_name biosignature standard name of biosignature TEXT “n-alkanes”
indicative_of biosignature biological entity typically inferred from the biosignature TEXT “bacteria”
detection_methods biosignature name of method used in publication TEXT “GC-MS”
sample_type sample type of sample analysed TEXT “geological”
sample_subtype sample subtype of sample analysed TEXT “sedimentary”
number_of_samples sample number of sample(s) in which biosignature has been detected INT 3
min_age sample if more than 1 sample, age of youngest sample in which biosignature has been detected in years INT 9400
max_age sample if more than 1 sample, age of oldest sample in which biosignature has been detected in years INT 18000000
pub_url publication url of the publication TEXT https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fspas.2022.769607/full
reference publication APA reference of publication TEXT Teece et al. (2020)
env_conditions environment environmental conditions in which sample(s) have been collected TEXT “silica-rich hot springs”
location_name environment Name of sampling location TEXT “Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand”
latitude environment latitude of sampling location FLOAT -38.4
longitude environment longitude of sampling location FLOAT 176.216667
mars_counterpart environment Name of counterpart environment on Mars TEXT “Columbia Hills, Mars”
mars_latitude environment Latitude of counterpart environment on Mars FLOAT -15.194167
mars_longitude environment Longitude of counterpart environment on Mars FLOAT 175.485556